伦敦大学学院为北京大学战略合作伙伴。2017年6月,文研院常务副院长渠敬东随北大代表团出访英国,与伦敦大学学院高等研究院院长Tamar Garb会面。2017年10月,UCL高研院教授迈克尔·罗兰作为文研院特邀访问教授来访,举办学术活动,并访问北京大学非洲研究中心。2018年4月,UCL高研院院长Tamar Garb作为特邀访问教授,访问文研院。
(1) 伦敦大学学院高等研究院2017年6月向北大定向开放三人的访问学者名额,由北大学人自行申请。经商讨,自2018年起,该访问学者制度,拟由面向北大学者单向开放,扩展为双向、互惠的开放。伦敦大学学院高等研究院与北京大学人文社会科学研究院,作为合作的主体单位,每年各向对方机构提供三个访问学者席位,为期1-3个月;
(2) 双方合作举办国际学术会议。2018年9月,首次会议在伦敦举办。
2017年6月,巴黎科学艺术人文大学Andreas Stauder教授来访。文研院召集历史系朱凤瀚、外国语学院叶少勇等与之展开交流。Stauder教授着重介绍了Scripta项目。该项目有约100位来自PSL下属高校的研究员参与,他们主要来自高等研究实践学院(EPHE)、法国远东学院(EFEO)、巴黎高师(ENS)、法国科学研究中心(CNRS)、国立文献学校(ENC)、社会科学高等研究院(EHESS)、法兰西公学院。项目自2017年5月建立,拟在十年间,跨学科的研究古代文献文字和空间(雕塑形态、建筑样式、城市布局)的内涵、发展及影响。项目涉及的学科包括考古、语言、历史、哲学、宗教、计算机(智能识别与处理系统)等。PSL方面表示,北大人文学科为优势学科,希望北大相关领域的教授能深度参与项目,与PSL的教授合作互补的进行交叉研究。
2017年11月,PSL下属的巴黎高等研究实践学校(EPHE)代表团来访。成员包括校长Hubert BOST,国际事务副校长Laurence FRABOLOT,生命科学教授Professor François JOUEN,古典学教授 Laurent COULON,汉学教授Olivier VENTURE以及考古学教授Stéphane VERGER。文研院方面参加会见的有李零、昝涛、贾妍以及渠敬东等。
(2) Scripta项目介绍
“PSL Project : History and Practices of Writing”
A Strategic Interdisciplinary Research Initiative Program of PSL Research University
The current time witnesses a major shift in the civilization of writing, determined both by the digital revolution and by a globalization of writing. The practices of writing, its materiality and circulation, and the very ways in which we write and read, are thereby affected. This motivates a scientific study of the same dimensions in their historical depth, beginning with the civilizations in which writing was first invented (China, southern Mesopotamia, Egypt,), and across a broad geographical space ranging from the East to the West. The rapidly developing digital environment, moreover, provides entirely new perspectives in the scientific study of writing.
To respond to these challenges, Paris Sciences et Lettres has launched an IRIS (Strategic Interdisciplinary Research Initiative) “-PSL-Scripta. History and Practices of Writing”. This assembles PSL specialists in the fundamental sciences of writing (epigraphy, paleography, codicology, history of the book), the social and human sciences (historical linguistics, philology, history, anthropology) and the computer sciences (computer vision, machine learning, natural language processing). Six PSL institutions are directly involved: École Pratique des Hautes Études (EPHE), École Française d’Extrême-Orient (EFEO), École Normale Supérieure (ENS), École Nationale des Chartes (ENC), École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), and Collège de France.
The programme consists in four components: research, computational sciences applied to writing, teaching, and rare languages. Research falls in six axes: “Writing and languages, linguistic of writing”, “Visual field for reading, ‘pages’ ”, “Inscribed spaces, exposed writings”, “Documentary practices, ancient and modern”, “Circulation of texts and processes of canonization, East and West”, and “Challenges in digital scholarly edition”. The computational component will develop computer vision and machine learning applied to ancient texts and writing systems (digital paleography, document analysis, (semi-)automatic analysis and classification of scripts and texts, tools for natural language processing in underresourced languages), focusing on pre-typographical traditions and including non-alphabetic ones. The teaching components aims to integrate and project internationally the unique concentration of specialists in ancient languages and in the fundamental sciences of writing present in the PSL institutions associated in the programme. The component “rare languages” sets a complementary emphasis on languages with important written traditions, which, however are only seldom taught and researched in worldwide academia (e.g., Elamite, an ancient Iranian language for which the only chair is at EPHE, or various (South)-East Asian written traditions studied at EFEO).
2019年9月以来,文研院与故宫研究院进行多次商讨和会谈,就开展学术合作事宜达成多项共识。9月24日下午,故宫研究室主任王子林研究馆员、秘书徐华烽副研究馆员就故宫研究院与文研院开展学术合作事宜,专程到北京大学拜会文研院院长邓小南教授。为进一步加强北京大学与故宫博物院在学术研究、人才培养等方面的交流,延续北京大学与故宫博物院近百年来良好合作的传统, 2019年10月20日,北京大学与故宫博物院、敦煌研究院签署战略合作协议。在此背景下,文研院与故宫博物院故宫研究院携手,迅速落实双方学术方面的合作机制,推出了“故宫与故宫学”系列学术活动,邀请故宫研究院的知名专家学者来校举办讲座、论坛。