塔玛·加布(Tamar Garb),伦敦大学学院(UCL)高等研究院院长,伦敦大学学院艺术史系Durning Lawrence讲座教授。1978年获开普敦大学艺术学学士学位,1980年获伦敦大学教育学院艺术教育硕士学位,1982年获考陶德艺术学院艺术史硕士学位,1991年获考陶德艺术学院博士学位。1988年、1989年分别任考陶德艺术学院、伦敦大学学院讲师,2001年成为教授。塔玛·加布主要关注性别研究,以及19至20世纪早期法国艺术中的女性艺术家与身体观念等。此外,其研究还包括种族与表现,后种族隔离时代的文化与艺术,以及南非摄影史等。她的著作包括:《身体与现代性:世纪末法国的形象与肉身》(Bodies of Modernity: Figure and Flesh in Fin de Siecle France),《画中面容:1814-1914的法国女性肖像》(The Painted Face, Portraits of Women in France 1814-1914),和《时间中的身体:19世纪晚期法国的女性化形象》(The Body in Time: Figures of Femininity in Late Nineteenth-Century France)等等。
It has been an enormous pleasure to share these two weeks with you. I have been so impressed by the serious engagement of students and faculty, and the provoking thoughts and incisive comments at my three lectures.
It has been an enormous pleasure to share these two weeks with you. I have been so impressed by the serious engagement of students and faculty, and the provoking thoughts and incisive comments at my three lectures.
I look forward to our ongoing contact to sending UCL scholars to PKU and to welcoming your delegation in September to London.