阿依莎·塞尔柱·艾姗贝尔(Ayşe Selçuk Esenbel)是土耳其海峡大学历史学系荣休教授。她自1982年从哥伦比亚大学日本史专业博士毕业后,一直在土耳其海峡大学任教。1994-2003年,任海峡大学历史系主任;2008-2013年,任海峡大学孔子学院外方院长;2009年创立海峡大学亚洲研究中心并担任主任。2007年获得日本国际交流基金会颁授的日本研究特别奖,2013年获洪堡基金会Georg Forster奖。艾姗贝尔的研究方向涉及日本与土耳其及穆斯林世界关系史、泛亚细亚主义与泛伊斯兰主义、土日关系以及土耳其亚洲研究等等。她的著作包括:《丝绸之路上的日本:欧亚大陆上的政治与文化遭遇及看法》(Japan on the Silk Road: Encounters and Perspectives of Politics and Culture in Eurasia)、《日本、土耳其和伊斯兰世界》(Japan, Turkey, and the World of Islam)、《美国与土耳其的政治和文化遭遇,1830-1989》(American-Turkish Encounters Politics and Culture 1830-1989)等等。
Thank you so much for this great opportunity to stay with you in Peking University. I have learned a lot during my stay and got to know many colleagues and students. The conversation has been invigorating. This has been memo..
Thank you so much for this great opportunity to stay with you in Peking University. I have learned a lot during my stay and got to know many colleagues and students. The conversation has been invigorating. This has been memorable experience.
Best wishes.