Bertram Schefold(波特伦·谢弗德),现任德国法兰克福大学经济学院高级教授(Senior Professor),是德国著名经济学家、社会学家,曾任欧洲经济思想史协会主席,现任荣誉主席。曾参与编纂马克思恩格斯全集(MEGA),是研究马克思主义经济学的权威。早年在剑桥大学师从罗宾逊夫人、斯拉法和卡尔多等人,成为新剑桥学派的重要成员。在资本理论、经济思想史、环境经济学等领域出版了五十余本著作,发表了三百余篇论文,并撰写了众多的学术评论。曾在美国哈佛大学、法国、意大利、日本、挪威、印度等国家,作为访问学者进行学术交流。主要著作有《Great Economic Thinkers》(上下卷),《Normal Prices, Technical Change and Accumulation, Studies in Political Economy》,《Joint Production and Other Essays》,编著《Business Cycles in Economic Thought》。
It is a great privilege to stay at IHSS which provides a wonderful opportunity to exchange one’s views with a select group of interesting scholars of different generations and orientations, coming from different parts of China, ..
It is a great privilege to stay at IHSS which provides a wonderful opportunity to exchange one’s views with a select group of interesting scholars of different generations and orientations, coming from different parts of China, to discuss a variety of topics in humanities and social sciences, covers all periods of chinses history and looking at the new method of analysis invented by the young.